List of my professional activities & teaching, such as workshops, talks and online tutorials.
Teaching (2019 - 2022)
Supervision of Learners for the EPFL Extension School in Applied Data Science: Machine Learning, at EPFL, Switzerland.
Teaching: Empowered over 1000 learners from various backgrounds, covering the full data science pipeline with an equal focus on all stages including data preparation, exploration, modeling, post-analysis investigation, results visualization and communication.
Mentoring: Guided 100s of proof-of-concept projects from industry and research, across diverse sectors including finance, medicine, consumer service, energy, insurance, marketing, meteorology, robotics, transportation, and manufacturing, tailoring guidance to meet the unique needs of each domain.
Workshops and Talks
- 2020: Conducted a comprehensive 2-day MRI analysis workshop at the University of Cambridge, UK (2nd invitation), held a 3.5-hour interactive hands-on Machine Learning talk to 400 participants at the SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL, Switzerland, and gave a 1-hour talk at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA on neuroimaging toolboxes.
- 2019: Delivered a 3-hour talk to 300 UN associates from around the world, at ITU Geneva, Switzerland about what AI is, how it is applied in academia and the private sector, and how it will change our private, professional and social lives.
- 2018: Led multiple workshops and talks focusing on neuroimaging, including a 2-day workshop at University of Cambridge, UK, a 3-day workshop at Max Planck Institute Frankfurt, Germany, a 3-day workshop at University of Marburg, Germany, a 5-hour webinar at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India, and a 1-hour talk at University Magdeburg (OVGU), Germany.
- 2017: Presented a 2-hour tutorial at University of Zurich, Switzerland on MRI data analysis.
Autodidactic Teaching Tools
- 2017, Updated the user’s guide to a more interactive Nipype Tutorial using Docker, Jupyter Notebooks, and CircleCI. This has attracted over 2,500 visitors per month from +150 countries.
- 2011, Launched the Nipype Beginner’s Guide, the first comprehensive guide to Nipype, drawing more than 1,500 monthly visitors from +148 countries.