Data Output

Similarly important to data input is data output. Using a data output module allows you to restructure and rename computed output and to spatially differentiate relevant output files from the temporary computed intermediate files in the working directory. Nipype provides the following modules to handle data stream output:


This tutorial covers only DataSink. For the rest, see the section on the official homepage.


A workflow working directory is like a cache. It contains not only the outputs of various processing stages, it also contains various extraneous information such as execution reports, hashfiles determining the input state of processes. All of this is embedded in a hierarchical structure that reflects the iterables that have been used in the workflow. This makes navigating the working directory a not so pleasant experience. And typically the user is interested in preserving only a small percentage of these outputs. The DataSink interface can be used to extract components from this cache and store it at a different location. For XNAT-based storage, see XNATSink.

Unlike other interfaces, a [DataSink]('s inputs are defined and created by using the workflow connect statement. Currently disconnecting an input from the [DataSink]( does not remove that connection port.

Let's assume we have the following workflow.

The following code segment defines the DataSink node and sets the base_directory in which all outputs will be stored. The container input creates a subdirectory within the base_directory. If you are iterating a workflow over subjects, it may be useful to save it within a folder with the subject id.

datasink = pe.Node(nio.DataSink(), name='sinker')
datasink.inputs.base_directory = '/path/to/output'
workflow.connect(inputnode, 'subject_id', datasink, 'container')

If we wanted to save the realigned files and the realignment parameters to the same place the most intuitive option would be:

workflow.connect(realigner, 'realigned_files', datasink, 'motion')
workflow.connect(realigner, 'realignment_parameters', datasink, 'motion')

However, this will not work as only one connection is allowed per input port. So we need to create a second port. We can store the files in a separate folder.

workflow.connect(realigner, 'realigned_files', datasink, 'motion')
workflow.connect(realigner, 'realignment_parameters', datasink, 'motion.par')

The period (.) indicates that a subfolder called par should be created. But if we wanted to store it in the same folder as the realigned files, we would use the .@ syntax. The @ tells the DataSink interface to not create the subfolder. This will allow us to create different named input ports for DataSink and allow the user to store the files in the same folder.

workflow.connect(realigner, 'realigned_files', datasink, 'motion')
workflow.connect(realigner, 'realignment_parameters', datasink, 'motion.@par')

The syntax for the input port of DataSink takes the following form:

string[[.[@]]string[[.[@]]string] ...]
where parts between paired [] are optional.


In order to use DataSink inside a MapNode, its inputs have to be defined inside the constructor using the infields keyword arg.


As discussed in Iterables, one can run a workflow iterating over various inputs using the iterables attribute of nodes. This means that a given workflow can have multiple outputs depending on how many iterables are there. Iterables create working directory subfolders such as _iterable_name_value. The parameterization input parameter controls whether the data stored using DataSink is in a folder structure that contains this iterable information or not. It is generally recommended to set this to True when using multiple nested iterables.


The substitutions and regexp_substitutions inputs allow users to modify the output destination path and name of a file. Substitutions are a list of 2-tuples and are carried out in the order in which they were entered. Assuming that the output path of a file is:


we can use substitutions to clean up the output path.

datasink.inputs.substitutions = [('_variable', 'variable'),
                                 ('file_subject_', '')]

This will rewrite the file as:


**Note**: In order to figure out which substitutions are needed it is often useful to run the workflow on a limited set of iterables and then determine the substitutions.

Realistic Example


Before we can use DataSink we first need to run a workflow. For this purpose, let's create a very short preprocessing workflow that realigns and smooths one functional image of one subject.

First, let's create a SelectFiles node. For an explanation of this step, see the Data Input tutorial.

In [ ]:
from nipype import SelectFiles, Node

# Create SelectFiles node
templates={'func': '{subject}/{session}/func/{subject}_{session}_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii.gz'}
sf = Node(SelectFiles(templates),
sf.inputs.base_directory = '/data/ds000114'
sf.inputs.subject = 'sub-01'
sf.inputs.session = 'ses-test'

Second, let's create the motion correction and smoothing node. For an explanation about this step, see the Nodes and Interfaces tutorial.

In [ ]:
from nipype.interfaces.fsl import MCFLIRT, IsotropicSmooth

# Create Motion Correction Node
mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True,

# Create Smoothing node
smooth = Node(IsotropicSmooth(fwhm=4),

Third, let's create the workflow that will contain those three nodes. For an explanation about this step, see the Workflow tutorial.

In [ ]:
from nipype import Workflow
from os.path import abspath

# Create a preprocessing workflow
wf = Workflow(name="preprocWF")
wf.base_dir = '/output/working_dir'

# Connect the three nodes to each other
wf.connect([(sf, mcflirt, [("func", "in_file")]),
            (mcflirt, smooth, [("out_file", "in_file")])])

Now that everything is set up, let's run the preprocessing workflow.

In [ ]:
180514-09:29:20,832 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow preprocWF settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:29:20,873 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:29:20,875 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.selectfiles" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/selectfiles".
180514-09:29:20,915 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "selectfiles" ("")
180514-09:29:20,926 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.selectfiles".
180514-09:29:20,929 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.mcflirt" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt".
180514-09:29:20,931 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.mcflirt".
180514-09:29:20,937 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "mcflirt" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.preprocess.MCFLIRT"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
mcflirt -in /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii.gz -meanvol -out /output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz -plots
180514-09:30:31,751 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.mcflirt".
180514-09:30:31,752 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth".
180514-09:30:31,755 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.smooth".
180514-09:30:31,760 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "smooth" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.IsotropicSmooth"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
fslmaths /output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz -s 1.69864 /output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
180514-09:30:38,297 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.smooth".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b210cc0>

After the execution of the workflow we have all the data hidden in the working directory 'working_dir'. Let's take a closer look at the content of this folder:

In [ ]:
! tree /output/working_dir/preprocWF
├── d3.js
├── graph1.json
├── graph.json
├── index.html
├── mcflirt
│   ├── _0x3631ff057beb1c94b2749701a3cda738.json
│   ├── command.txt
│   ├── _inputs.pklz
│   ├── _node.pklz
│   ├── _report
│   │   └── report.rst
│   ├── result_mcflirt.pklz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz
├── selectfiles
│   ├── _0x8be4cb43842af73f06e36ceafabda572.json
│   ├── _inputs.pklz
│   ├── _node.pklz
│   ├── _report
│   │   └── report.rst
│   └── result_selectfiles.pklz
├── sinker
│   ├── _0x8d7a97c107035170b49a3e2657dd1314.json
│   ├── _inputs.pklz
│   ├── _node.pklz
│   ├── _report
│   │   └── report.rst
│   └── result_sinker.pklz
└── smooth
    ├── _0x2141a268f13b23dc8363578b3f859f6c.json
    ├── command.txt
    ├── _inputs.pklz
    ├── _node.pklz
    ├── _report
    │   └── report.rst
    ├── result_smooth.pklz
    └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz

8 directories, 28 files

As we can see, there is way too much content that we might not really care about. To relocate and rename all the files that are relevant to you, you can use DataSink.

How to use DataSink

DataSink is Nipype's standard output module to restructure your output files. It allows you to relocate and rename files that you deem relevant.

Based on the preprocessing pipeline above, let's say we want to keep the smoothed functional images as well as the motion correction parameters. To do this, we first need to create the DataSink object.

In [ ]:
from import DataSink

# Create DataSink object
sinker = Node(DataSink(), name='sinker')

# Name of the output folder
sinker.inputs.base_directory = '/output/working_dir/preprocWF_output'

# Connect DataSink with the relevant nodes
wf.connect([(smooth, sinker, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
            (mcflirt, sinker, [('mean_img', 'mean_img'),
                               ('par_file', 'par_file')]),
180514-09:30:38,911 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow preprocWF settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:30:38,919 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:30:38,921 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.selectfiles" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/selectfiles".
180514-09:30:38,927 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "selectfiles" ("")
180514-09:30:38,933 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.selectfiles".
180514-09:30:38,934 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.mcflirt" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt".
180514-09:30:38,936 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.mcflirt".
180514-09:30:38,947 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "mcflirt" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.preprocess.MCFLIRT"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
mcflirt -in /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii.gz -meanvol -out /output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz -plots
180514-09:31:53,833 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.mcflirt".
180514-09:31:53,835 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth".
180514-09:31:53,838 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.smooth".
180514-09:31:53,856 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "smooth" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.IsotropicSmooth"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
fslmaths /output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz -s 1.69864 /output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
180514-09:32:01,590 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.smooth".
180514-09:32:01,591 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.sinker" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/sinker".
180514-09:32:01,595 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.sinker".
180514-09:32:01,601 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "sinker" ("")
180514-09:32:02,902 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.sinker".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b22af98>

Let's take a look at the output folder:

In [ ]:
! tree /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output
├── in_file
│   ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz
├── mean_img
│   ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
├── par_file
│   ├── sub-01.par
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
└── preproc
    ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
    └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz

4 directories, 12 files

This looks nice. It is what we asked it to do. But having a specific output folder for each individual output file might be suboptimal. So let's change the code above to save the output in one folder, which we will call 'preproc'.

For this we can use the same code as above. We only have to change the connection part:

In [ ]:
wf.connect([(smooth, sinker, [('out_file', 'preproc.@in_file')]),
            (mcflirt, sinker, [('mean_img', 'preproc.@mean_img'),
                               ('par_file', 'preproc.@par_file')]),
180514-09:32:03,594 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow preprocWF settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:32:03,602 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:32:03,603 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.selectfiles" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/selectfiles".
180514-09:32:03,608 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "selectfiles" ("")
180514-09:32:03,614 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.selectfiles".
180514-09:32:03,615 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.mcflirt" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt".
180514-09:32:03,619 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "preprocWF.mcflirt" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:03,619 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "preprocWF.mcflirt" found cached.
180514-09:32:03,620 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth".
180514-09:32:03,624 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "preprocWF.smooth" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:03,625 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "preprocWF.smooth" found cached.
180514-09:32:03,626 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.sinker" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/sinker".
180514-09:32:03,633 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.sinker".
180514-09:32:03,639 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "sinker" ("")
180514-09:32:04,973 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.sinker".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b22a748>

Let's take a look at the new output folder structure:

In [ ]:
! tree /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output
├── in_file
│   ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz
├── mean_img
│   ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
├── par_file
│   ├── sub-01.par
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
└── preproc
    ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
    └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz

4 directories, 12 files

This is already much better. But what if you want to rename the output files to represent something a bit more readable. For this DataSink has the substitution input field.

For example, let's assume we want to get rid of the string 'task-fingerfootlips' and 'bold_mcf' and that we want to rename the mean file, as well as adapt the file ending of the motion parameter file:

In [ ]:
# Define substitution strings
substitutions = [('_task-fingerfootlips', ''),
                 ("_ses-test", ""),
                 ('_bold_mcf', ''),
                 ('.nii.gz_mean_reg', '_mean'),
                 ('.nii.gz.par', '.par')]

# Feed the substitution strings to the DataSink node
sinker.inputs.substitutions = substitutions

# Run the workflow again with the substitutions in place
180514-09:32:05,618 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow preprocWF settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:32:05,627 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:32:05,629 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.selectfiles" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/selectfiles".
180514-09:32:05,634 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "selectfiles" ("")
180514-09:32:05,639 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.selectfiles".
180514-09:32:05,640 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.mcflirt" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/mcflirt".
180514-09:32:05,646 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "preprocWF.mcflirt" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:05,647 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "preprocWF.mcflirt" found cached.
180514-09:32:05,648 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/smooth".
180514-09:32:05,652 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "preprocWF.smooth" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:05,653 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "preprocWF.smooth" found cached.
180514-09:32:05,654 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "preprocWF.sinker" in "/output/working_dir/preprocWF/sinker".
180514-09:32:05,660 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "preprocWF.sinker".
180514-09:32:05,666 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "sinker" ("")
180514-09:32:05,668 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/in_file/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/in_file/sub-01_smooth.nii.gz
180514-09:32:06,339 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01_smooth.nii.gz
180514-09:32:06,965 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/mean_img/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/mean_img/sub-01_mean.nii.gz
180514-09:32:06,970 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/par_file/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/par_file/sub-01.par
180514-09:32:06,972 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01_mean.nii.gz
180514-09:32:06,977 interface INFO:
	 sub: /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par -> /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output/preproc/sub-01.par
180514-09:32:06,982 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "preprocWF.sinker".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b1d3668>

Now, let's take a final look at the output folder:

In [ ]:
! tree /output/working_dir/preprocWF_output
├── in_file
│   ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz
├── mean_img
│   ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
├── par_file
│   ├── sub-01.par
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
└── preproc
    ├── sub-01_mean.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz_mean_reg.nii.gz
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf.nii.gz.par
    ├── sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold_mcf_smooth.nii.gz
    └── sub-01_smooth.nii.gz

4 directories, 12 files

Cool, much clearer filenames!

Exercise 1

Create a simple workflow for skullstriping with FSL, the first node should use BET interface and the second node will be a DataSink. Test two methods of connecting the nodes and check the content of the output directory.

In [ ]:
# write your solution here
In [ ]:
from nipype import Node, Workflow
from import DataSink
from nipype.interfaces.fsl import BET

# Skullstrip process
ex1_skullstrip = Node(BET(mask=True), name="ex1_skullstrip")
ex1_skullstrip.inputs.in_file = "/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz"
In [ ]:
# Create DataSink node
ex1_sinker = Node(DataSink(), name='ex1_sinker')
ex1_sinker.inputs.base_directory = '/output/working_dir/ex1_output'

# and a workflow
ex1_wf = Workflow(name="ex1", base_dir = '/output/working_dir')
In [ ]:
# let's try the first method of connecting the BET node to the DataSink node
ex1_wf.connect([(ex1_skullstrip, ex1_sinker, [('mask_file', 'mask_file'),
                                              ('out_file', 'out_file')]),
180514-09:32:07,637 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow ex1 settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:32:07,643 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:32:07,645 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/ex1/ex1_skullstrip".
180514-09:32:07,672 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:07,673 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" found cached.
180514-09:32:07,674 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "ex1.ex1_sinker" in "/output/working_dir/ex1/ex1_sinker".
180514-09:32:07,685 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "ex1.ex1_sinker".
180514-09:32:07,691 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "ex1_sinker" ("")
180514-09:32:07,697 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "ex1.ex1_sinker".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b200198>
In [ ]:
# and we can check our sinker directory
! tree /output/working_dir/ex1_output
├── bet
│   ├── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain.nii.gz
├── mask_file
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz
└── out_file
    └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain.nii.gz

3 directories, 4 files
In [ ]:
# now we can try the other method of connecting the node to DataSink
ex1_wf.connect([(ex1_skullstrip, ex1_sinker, [('mask_file', 'bet.@mask_file'),
                                              ('out_file', 'bet.@out_file')]),
180514-09:32:08,338 workflow INFO:
	 Workflow ex1 settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
180514-09:32:08,344 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
180514-09:32:08,345 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/ex1/ex1_skullstrip".
180514-09:32:08,349 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Cached "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
180514-09:32:08,350 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] "ex1.ex1_skullstrip" found cached.
180514-09:32:08,351 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "ex1.ex1_sinker" in "/output/working_dir/ex1/ex1_sinker".
180514-09:32:08,356 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "ex1.ex1_sinker".
180514-09:32:08,362 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "ex1_sinker" ("")
180514-09:32:08,368 workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "ex1.ex1_sinker".
Out[ ]:
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f865b2006a0>
In [ ]:
# and check the content of the output directory (you should see a new `bet` subdirectory with both files)
! tree /output/working_dir/ex1_output
├── bet
│   ├── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain.nii.gz
├── mask_file
│   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz
└── out_file
    └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain.nii.gz

3 directories, 4 files

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