
Although it would be possible to write analysis scripts using just Nipype Interfaces, and this may provide some advantages over directly making command-line calls, the main benefits of Nipype are the workflows.

A workflow controls the setup and the execution of individual interfaces. Let's assume you want to run multiple interfaces in a specific order, where some have to wait for others to finish while others can be executed in parallel. The nice thing about a nipype workflow is, that the workflow will take care of input and output of each interface and arrange the execution of each interface in the most efficient way.

A workflow therefore consists of multiple Nodes, each representing a specific Interface and directed connection between those nodes. Those connections specify which output of which node should be used as an input for another node. To better understand why this is so great, let's look at an example.

Interfaces vs. Workflows

Interfaces are the building blocks that solve well-defined tasks. We solve more complex tasks by combining interfaces with workflows:

Interfaces Workflows
Wrap *unitary* tasks Wrap *meta*-tasks
  • implemented with nipype interfaces wrapped inside ``Node`` objects
  • subworkflows can also be added to a workflow without any wrapping
  • Keep track of the inputs and outputs, and check their expected types Do not have inputs/outputs, but expose them from the interfaces wrapped inside
    Do not cache results (unless you use [interface caching](advanced_interfaces_caching.ipynb)) Cache results
    Run by a nipype plugin Run by a nipype plugin


    Before we can start, let's first load some helper functions:

    In [ ]:
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Let's create a short helper function to plot 3D NIfTI images
    def plot_slice(fname):
        # Load the image
        img = nb.load(fname)
        data = img.get_data()
        # Cut in the middle of the brain
        cut = int(data.shape[-1]/2) + 10
        # Plot the data
        plt.imshow(np.rot90(data[..., cut]), cmap="gray")
    Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

    Example 1 - Command-line execution

    Let's take a look at a small preprocessing analysis where we would like to perform the following steps of processing:

    - Skullstrip an image to obtain a mask
    - Smooth the original image
    - Mask the smoothed image

    This could all very well be done with the following shell script:

    In [ ]:
    bet ${ANAT} /output/${ANAT_NAME}_brain -m -f 0.3
    fslmaths ${ANAT} -s 2 /output/${ANAT_NAME}_smooth
    fslmaths /output/${ANAT_NAME}_smooth -mas /output/${ANAT_NAME}_brain_mask /output/${ANAT_NAME}_smooth_mask

    This is simple and straightforward. We can see that this does exactly what we wanted by plotting the four steps of processing.

    In [ ]:
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    for i, img in enumerate(["T1w", "T1w_smooth",
                             "T1w_brain_mask", "T1w_smooth_mask"]):
        f.add_subplot(1, 4, i + 1)
        if i == 0:
            plot_slice("/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_%s.nii.gz" % img)
            plot_slice("/output/sub-01_ses-test_%s.nii.gz" % img)

    Example 2 - Interface execution

    Now let's see what this would look like if we used Nipype, but only the Interfaces functionality. It's simple enough to write a basic procedural script, this time in Python, to do the same thing as above:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces import fsl
    # Skullstrip process
    skullstrip = fsl.BET(
    # Smoothing process
    smooth = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(
    # Masking process
    mask = fsl.ApplyMask(
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    for i, img in enumerate(["T1w", "T1w_smooth",
                             "T1w_brain_mask", "T1w_smooth_mask"]):
        f.add_subplot(1, 4, i + 1)
        if i == 0:
            plot_slice("/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_%s.nii.gz" % img)
            plot_slice("/output/sub-01_%s.nii.gz" % img)

    This is more verbose, although it does have its advantages. There's the automated input validation we saw previously, some of the options are named more meaningfully, and you don't need to remember, for example, that fslmaths' smoothing kernel is set in sigma instead of FWHM -- Nipype does that conversion behind the scenes.

    Can't we optimize that a bit?

    As we can see above, the inputs for the mask routine in_file and mask_file are actually the output of skullstrip and smooth. We therefore somehow want to connect them. This can be accomplished by saving the executed routines under a given object and then using the output of those objects as input for other routines.

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces import fsl
    # Skullstrip process
    skullstrip = fsl.BET(
        in_file="/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz", mask=True)
    bet_result =  # skullstrip object
    # Smooth process
    smooth = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(
        in_file="/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz", fwhm=4)
    smooth_result =  # smooth object
    # Mask process
    mask = fsl.ApplyMask(in_file=smooth_result.outputs.out_file,
    mask_result =
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    for i, img in enumerate([skullstrip.inputs.in_file, smooth_result.outputs.out_file,
                             bet_result.outputs.mask_file, mask_result.outputs.out_file]):
        f.add_subplot(1, 4, i + 1)

    Here we didn't need to name the intermediate files; Nipype did that behind the scenes, and then we passed the result object (which knows those names) onto the next step in the processing stream. This is somewhat more concise than the example above, but it's still a procedural script. And the dependency relationship between the stages of processing is not particularly obvious. To address these issues, and to provide solutions to problems we might not know we have yet, Nipype offers Workflows.

    Example 3 - Workflow execution

    What we've implicitly done above is to encode our processing stream as a directed acyclic graphs: each stage of processing is a node in this graph, and some nodes are unidirectionally dependent on others. In this case, there is one input file and several output files, but there are no cycles -- there's a clear line of directionality to the processing. What the Node and Workflow classes do is make these relationships more explicit.

    The basic architecture is that the Node provides a light wrapper around an Interface. It exposes the inputs and outputs of the Interface as its own, but it adds some additional functionality that allows you to connect Nodes into a Workflow.

    Let's rewrite the above script with these tools:

    In [ ]:
    # Import Node and Workflow object and FSL interface
    from nipype import Node, Workflow
    from nipype.interfaces import fsl
    # For reasons that will later become clear, it's important to
    # pass filenames to Nodes as absolute paths
    from os.path import abspath
    in_file = abspath("/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz")
    # Skullstrip process
    skullstrip = Node(fsl.BET(in_file=in_file, mask=True), name="skullstrip")
    # Smooth process
    smooth = Node(fsl.IsotropicSmooth(in_file=in_file, fwhm=4), name="smooth")
    # Mask process
    mask = Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name="mask")

    This looks mostly similar to what we did above, but we've left out the two crucial inputs to the ApplyMask step. We'll set those up by defining a Workflow object and then making connections among the Nodes.

    In [ ]:
    # Initiation of a workflow
    wf = Workflow(name="smoothflow", base_dir="/output/working_dir")

    The Workflow object has a method called connect that is going to do most of the work here. This routine also checks if inputs and outputs are actually provided by the nodes that are being connected.

    There are two different ways to call connect:

    connect(source, "source_output", dest, "dest_input")
    connect([(source, dest, [("source_output1", "dest_input1"),
                             ("source_output2", "dest_input2")

    With the first approach, you can establish one connection at a time. With the second you can establish multiple connects between two nodes at once. In either case, you're providing it with four pieces of information to define the connection:

    • The source node object
    • The name of the output field from the source node
    • The destination node object
    • The name of the input field from the destination node

    We'll illustrate each method in the following cell:

    In [ ]:
    # First the "simple", but more restricted method
    wf.connect(skullstrip, "mask_file", mask, "mask_file")
    # Now the more complicated method
    wf.connect([(smooth, mask, [("out_file", "in_file")])])

    Now the workflow is complete!

    Above, we mentioned that the workflow can be thought of as a directed acyclic graph. In fact, that's literally how it's represented behind the scenes, and we can use that to explore the workflow visually:

    In [ ]:
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:28:44,790 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/smoothflow/workflow_graph.png (graph2use=hierarchical, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    This representation makes the dependency structure of the workflow obvious. (By the way, the names of the nodes in this graph are the names we gave our Node objects above, so pick something meaningful for those!)

    Certain graph types also allow you to further inspect the individual connections between the nodes. For example:

    In [ ]:
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:28:44,969 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/smoothflow/graph.png (graph2use=flat, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    Here you see very clearly, that the output mask_file of the skullstrip node is used as the input mask_file of the mask node. For more information on graph visualization, see the Graph Visualization section.

    But let's come back to our example. At this point, all we've done is define the workflow. We haven't executed any code yet. Much like Interface objects, the Workflow object has a run method that we can call so that it executes. Let's do that and then examine the results.

    In [ ]:
    # Specify the base directory for the working directory
    wf.base_dir = "/output/working_dir"
    # Execute the workflow
    180514-09:28:44,992 workflow INFO:
    	 Workflow smoothflow settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
    180514-09:28:44,997 workflow INFO:
    	 Running serially.
    180514-09:28:44,998 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth".
    180514-09:28:45,0 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "smoothflow.smooth".
    180514-09:28:45,41 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Running "smooth" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.IsotropicSmooth"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
    fslmaths /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz -s 1.69864 /output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth.nii.gz
    180514-09:28:50,11 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Finished "smoothflow.smooth".
    180514-09:28:50,12 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/skullstrip".
    180514-09:28:50,40 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "smoothflow.skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:50,42 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "smoothflow.skullstrip" found cached.
    180514-09:28:50,42 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.mask" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/mask".
    180514-09:28:50,46 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "smoothflow.mask".
    180514-09:28:50,52 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Running "mask" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.ApplyMask"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
    fslmaths /output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth.nii.gz -mas /output/working_dir/smoothflow/skullstrip/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz /output/working_dir/smoothflow/mask/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth_masked.nii.gz
    180514-09:28:51,134 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Finished "smoothflow.mask".
    Out[ ]:
    <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7d60ccfd30>

    The specification of base_dir is very important (and is why we needed to use absolute paths above) because otherwise all the outputs would be saved somewhere in the temporary files. Unlike interfaces, which by default spit out results to the local directly, the Workflow engine executes things off in its own directory hierarchy.

    Let's take a look at the resulting images to convince ourselves we've done the same thing as before:

    In [ ]:
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    for i, img in enumerate(["/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz",
        f.add_subplot(1, 4, i + 1)


    Let's also have a closer look at the working directory:

    In [ ]:
    !tree /output/working_dir/smoothflow/ -I '*js|*json|*html|*pklz|_report'
    ├── graph_detailed.png
    ├── graph.png
    ├── mask
    │   ├── command.txt
    │   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth_masked.nii.gz
    ├── skullstrip
    │   ├── command.txt
    │   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz
    ├── smooth
    │   ├── command.txt
    │   └── sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth.nii.gz
    └── workflow_graph.png
    3 directories, 12 files

    As you can see, the name of the working directory is the name we gave the workflow base_dir. And the name of the folder within is the name of the workflow object smoothflow. Each node of the workflow has its' own subfolder in the smoothflow folder. And each of those subfolders contains the output of the node as well as some additional files.

    The #1 gotcha of nipype Workflows

    Nipype workflows are just DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) that the runner Plugin takes in and uses to compose an ordered list of nodes for execution. As a matter of fact, running a workflow will return a graph object. That's why you often see something like <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f83542f1550> at the end of execution stream when running a workflow.

    The principal implication is that Workflows don't have inputs and outputs, you can just access them through the Node decoration.

    In practical terms, this has one clear consequence: from the resulting object of the workflow execution, you don't generally have access to the value of the outputs of the interfaces. This is particularly true for Plugins with an asynchronous execution.

    A workflow inside a workflow

    When you start writing full-fledged analysis workflows, things can get quite complicated. Some aspects of neuroimaging analysis can be thought of as a coherent step at a level more abstract than the execution of a single command line binary. For instance, in the standard FEAT script in FSL, several calls are made in the process of using susan to perform nonlinear smoothing on an image. In Nipype, you can write nested workflows, where a sub-workflow can take the place of a Node in a given script.

    Let's use the prepackaged susan workflow that ships with Nipype to replace our Gaussian filtering node and demonstrate how this works.

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.workflows.fmri.fsl import create_susan_smooth

    Calling this function will return a pre-written Workflow object:

    In [ ]:
    susan = create_susan_smooth(separate_masks=False)

    Let's display the graph to see what happens here.

    In [ ]:
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:28:53,607 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/susan_workflow.png (graph2use=hierarchical, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    We see that the workflow has an inputnode and an outputnode. While not strictly necessary, this is standard practice for workflows (especially those that are intended to be used as nested workflows in the context of a longer analysis graph) and makes it more clear how to connect inputs and outputs from this workflow.

    Let's take a look at what those inputs and outputs are. Like Nodes, Workflows have inputs and outputs attributes that take a second sub-attribute corresponding to the specific node we want to make connections to.

    In [ ]:
    print("Inputs:\n", susan.inputs.inputnode)
    print("Outputs:\n", susan.outputs.outputnode)
    fwhm = <undefined>
    in_files = <undefined>
    mask_file = <undefined>
    smoothed_files = None

    Note that inputnode and outputnode are just conventions, and the Workflow object exposes connections to all of its component nodes:

    In [ ]:
    Out[ ]:
    inputnode =
    fwhm = <undefined>
    in_files = <undefined>
    mask_file = <undefined>
    mask =
    args = <undefined>
    environ = {'FSLOUTPUTTYPE': 'NIFTI_GZ'}
    ignore_exception = False
    mask_file = <undefined>
    op_string = -mas
    out_data_type = <undefined>
    out_file = <undefined>
    output_type = NIFTI_GZ
    suffix = _mask
    terminal_output = <undefined>
    meanfunc2 =
    args = <undefined>
    environ = {'FSLOUTPUTTYPE': 'NIFTI_GZ'}
    ignore_exception = False
    in_file2 = <undefined>
    mask_file = <undefined>
    op_string = -Tmean
    out_data_type = <undefined>
    out_file = <undefined>
    output_type = NIFTI_GZ
    suffix = _mean
    terminal_output = <undefined>
    median =
    args = <undefined>
    environ = {'FSLOUTPUTTYPE': 'NIFTI_GZ'}
    ignore_exception = False
    op_string = -k %s -p 50
    output_type = NIFTI_GZ
    split_4d = <undefined>
    terminal_output = <undefined>
    merge =
    axis = hstack
    ignore_exception = False
    no_flatten = False
    ravel_inputs = False
    multi_inputs =
    function_str = def cartesian_product(fwhms, in_files, usans, btthresh):
        from nipype.utils.filemanip import ensure_list
        # ensure all inputs are lists
        in_files = ensure_list(in_files)
        fwhms = [fwhms] if isinstance(fwhms, (int, float)) else fwhms
        # create cartesian product lists (s_<name> = single element of list)
        cart_in_file = [
            s_in_file for s_in_file in in_files for s_fwhm in fwhms
        cart_fwhm = [s_fwhm for s_in_file in in_files for s_fwhm in fwhms]
        cart_usans = [s_usans for s_usans in usans for s_fwhm in fwhms]
        cart_btthresh = [
            s_btthresh for s_btthresh in btthresh for s_fwhm in fwhms
        return cart_in_file, cart_fwhm, cart_usans, cart_btthresh
    ignore_exception = False
    outputnode =
    smooth =
    args = <undefined>
    dimension = 3
    environ = {'FSLOUTPUTTYPE': 'NIFTI_GZ'}
    ignore_exception = False
    out_file = <undefined>
    output_type = NIFTI_GZ
    terminal_output = <undefined>
    use_median = 1

    Let's see how we would write a new workflow that uses this nested smoothing step.

    The susan workflow actually expects to receive and output a list of files (it's intended to be executed on each of several runs of fMRI data). We'll cover exactly how that works in later tutorials, but for the moment we need to add an additional Function node to deal with the fact that susan is outputting a list. We can use a simple lambda function to do this:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype import Function
    extract_func = lambda list_out: list_out[0]
    list_extract = Node(Function(input_names=["list_out"],

    Now let's create a new workflow susanflow that contains the susan workflow as a sub-node. To be sure, let's also recreate the skullstrip and the mask node from the examples above.

    In [ ]:
    # Initiate workflow with name and base directory
    wf2 = Workflow(name="susanflow", base_dir="/output/working_dir")
    # Create new skullstrip and mask nodes
    skullstrip2 = Node(fsl.BET(in_file=in_file, mask=True), name="skullstrip")
    mask2 = Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name="mask")
    # Connect the nodes to each other and to the susan workflow
    wf2.connect([(skullstrip2, mask2, [("mask_file", "mask_file")]),
                 (skullstrip2, susan, [("mask_file", "inputnode.mask_file")]),
                 (susan, list_extract, [("outputnode.smoothed_files",
                 (list_extract, mask2, [("out_file", "in_file")])
    # Specify the remaining input variables for the susan workflow
    susan.inputs.inputnode.in_files = abspath(
    susan.inputs.inputnode.fwhm = 4

    First, let's see what this new processing graph looks like.

    In [ ]:
    wf2.write_graph(dotfilename='/output/working_dir/', graph2use='colored')
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:28:53,822 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/full_susanflow.png (graph2use=colored, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    We can see how there is a nested smoothing workflow (blue) in the place of our previous smooth node. This provides a very detailed view, but what if you just wanted to give a higher-level summary of the processing steps? After all, that is the purpose of encapsulating smaller streams in a nested workflow. That, fortunately, is an option when writing out the graph:

    In [ ]:
    wf2.write_graph(dotfilename='/output/working_dir/', graph2use='orig')
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:28:54,66 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/full_susanflow_toplevel.png (graph2use=orig, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    That's much more manageable. Now let's execute the workflow

    In [ ]:
    180514-09:28:54,89 workflow INFO:
    	 Workflow susanflow settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
    180514-09:28:54,121 workflow INFO:
    	 Running serially.
    180514-09:28:54,123 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/skullstrip".
    180514-09:28:54,139 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:54,140 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.skullstrip" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,141 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.mask" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/mask".
    180514-09:28:54,167 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.mask" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,167 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.meanfunc2" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/meanfunc2".
    180514-09:28:54,183 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.meanfunc2" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,184 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.median" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/median".
    180514-09:28:54,201 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.median" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,202 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/merge".
    180514-09:28:54,207 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:54,208 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,209 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/multi_inputs".
    180514-09:28:54,224 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:54,225 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,226 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/smooth".
    180514-09:28:54,236 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.smooth" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,237 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.list_extract" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/list_extract".
    180514-09:28:54,261 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.list_extract" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:54,262 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.list_extract" found cached.
    180514-09:28:54,263 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.mask" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/mask".
    180514-09:28:54,282 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.mask" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:54,283 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.mask" found cached.
    Out[ ]:
    <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7d5cb44eb8>

    As a final step, let's look at the input and the output. It's exactly what we wanted.

    In [ ]:
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    for i, e in enumerate([["/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz", 'input'],
        f.add_subplot(1, 2, i + 1)

    So, why are workflows so great?

    So far, we've seen that you can build up rather complex analysis workflows. But at the moment, it's not been made clear why this is worth the extra trouble from writing a simple procedural script. To demonstrate the first added benefit of the Nipype, let's just rerun the susanflow workflow from above and measure the execution times.

    In [ ]:
    CPU times: user 4 µs, sys: 2 µs, total: 6 µs
    Wall time: 12.9 µs
    180514-09:28:55,321 workflow INFO:
    	 Workflow susanflow settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
    180514-09:28:55,332 workflow INFO:
    	 Running serially.
    180514-09:28:55,333 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/skullstrip".
    180514-09:28:55,336 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:55,337 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.skullstrip" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,338 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.mask" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/mask".
    180514-09:28:55,343 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.mask" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,344 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.meanfunc2" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/meanfunc2".
    180514-09:28:55,348 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.meanfunc2" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,349 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.median" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/median".
    180514-09:28:55,355 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.median" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,356 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/merge".
    180514-09:28:55,360 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:55,361 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.merge" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,362 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/multi_inputs".
    180514-09:28:55,367 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:55,368 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.multi_inputs" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,369 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.susan_smooth.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/susan_smooth/smooth".
    180514-09:28:55,378 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.susan_smooth.smooth" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,379 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.list_extract" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/list_extract".
    180514-09:28:55,383 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.list_extract" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:55,384 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.list_extract" found cached.
    180514-09:28:55,385 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "susanflow.mask" in "/output/working_dir/susanflow/mask".
    180514-09:28:55,389 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "susanflow.mask" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:55,390 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "susanflow.mask" found cached.
    Out[ ]:
    <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7d5cb44518>

    That happened quickly! Workflows (actually this is handled by the Node code) are smart and know if their inputs have changed from the last time they are run. If they have not, they don't recompute; they just turn around and pass out the resulting files from the previous run. This is done on a node-by-node basis, also.

    Let's go back to the first workflow example. What happened if we just tweak one thing:

    In [ ]:
    wf.inputs.smooth.fwhm = 1
    180514-09:28:55,402 workflow INFO:
    	 Workflow smoothflow settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
    180514-09:28:55,408 workflow INFO:
    	 Running serially.
    180514-09:28:55,409 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.smooth" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth".
    180514-09:28:55,410 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "smoothflow.smooth".
    180514-09:28:55,418 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Running "smooth" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.IsotropicSmooth"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
    fslmaths /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz -s 0.42466 /output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth.nii.gz
    180514-09:28:58,936 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Finished "smoothflow.smooth".
    180514-09:28:58,937 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.skullstrip" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/skullstrip".
    180514-09:28:58,941 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "smoothflow.skullstrip" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:28:58,942 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "smoothflow.skullstrip" found cached.
    180514-09:28:58,943 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "smoothflow.mask" in "/output/working_dir/smoothflow/mask".
    180514-09:28:58,947 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Outdated cache found for "smoothflow.mask".
    180514-09:28:58,953 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Running "mask" ("nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths.ApplyMask"), a CommandLine Interface with command:
    fslmaths /output/working_dir/smoothflow/smooth/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth.nii.gz -mas /output/working_dir/smoothflow/skullstrip/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_brain_mask.nii.gz /output/working_dir/smoothflow/mask/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_smooth_masked.nii.gz
    180514-09:29:00,30 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Finished "smoothflow.mask".
    Out[ ]:
    <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7d5c21cfd0>

    By changing an input value of the smooth node, this node will be re-executed. This triggers a cascade such that any file depending on the smooth node (in this case, the mask node, also recompute). However, the skullstrip node hasn't changed since the first time it ran, so it just coughed up its original files.

    That's one of the main benefits of using Workflows: efficient recomputing.

    Another benefit of Workflows is parallel execution, which is covered under Plugins and Distributed Computing. With Nipype it is very easy to up a workflow to an extremely parallel cluster computing environment.

    In this case, that just means that the skullstrip and smooth Nodes execute together, but when you scale up to Workflows with many subjects and many runs per subject, each can run together, such that (in the case of unlimited computing resources), you could process 50 subjects with 10 runs of functional data in essentially the time it would take to process a single run.

    To emphasize the contribution of Nipype here, you can write and test your workflow on one subject computing on your local CPU, where it is easier to debug. Then, with the change of a single function parameter, you can scale your processing up to a 1000+ node SGE cluster.

    Exercise 1

    Create a workflow that connects three nodes for:

    • skipping the first 3 dummy scans using fsl.ExtractROI
    • applying motion correction using fsl.MCFLIRT (register to the mean volume, use NIFTI as output type)
    • correcting for slice wise acquisition using fsl.SliceTimer (assumed that slices were acquired with interleaved order and time repetition was 2.5, use NIFTI as output type)
    In [ ]:
    # write your solution here
    In [ ]:
    # importing Node and Workflow
    from nipype import Workflow, Node
    # importing all interfaces
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ExtractROI, MCFLIRT, SliceTimer

    Defining all nodes

    In [ ]:
    # extracting all time levels but not the first four
    extract = Node(ExtractROI(t_min=4, t_size=-1, output_type='NIFTI'),
    # using MCFLIRT for motion correction to the mean volume
    mcflirt = Node(MCFLIRT(mean_vol=True,
    # correcting for slice wise acquisition (acquired with interleaved order and time repetition was 2.5)
    slicetimer = Node(SliceTimer(interleaved=True,

    Creating a workflow

    In [ ]:
    # Initiation of a workflow
    wf_ex1 = Workflow(name="exercise1", base_dir="/output/working_dir")
    # connect nodes with each other
    wf_ex1.connect([(extract, mcflirt, [('roi_file', 'in_file')]),
                    (mcflirt, slicetimer, [('out_file', 'in_file')])])
    # providing a input file for the first extract node
    extract.inputs.in_file = "/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/func/sub-01_ses-test_task-fingerfootlips_bold.nii.gz"

    Exercise 2

    Visualize and run the workflow

    In [ ]:
    # write your solution here

    We learnt 2 methods of plotting graphs:

    In [ ]:
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:29:00,197 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/exercise1/workflow_graph.png (graph2use=hierarchical, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    And more detailed graph:

    In [ ]:
    from IPython.display import Image
    180514-09:29:00,426 workflow INFO:
    	 Generated workflow graph: /output/working_dir/exercise1/graph.png (graph2use=flat, simple_form=True).
    Out[ ]:

    if everything works good, we're ready to run the workflow:

    In [ ]:
    180514-09:29:00,437 workflow INFO:
    	 Workflow exercise1 settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
    180514-09:29:00,444 workflow INFO:
    	 Running serially.
    180514-09:29:00,445 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "exercise1.extract" in "/output/working_dir/exercise1/extract".
    180514-09:29:00,469 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "exercise1.extract" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:29:00,470 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "exercise1.extract" found cached.
    180514-09:29:00,472 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "exercise1.mcflirt" in "/output/working_dir/exercise1/mcflirt".
    180514-09:29:00,483 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "exercise1.mcflirt" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:29:00,484 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "exercise1.mcflirt" found cached.
    180514-09:29:00,485 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Setting-up "exercise1.slicetimer" in "/output/working_dir/exercise1/slicetimer".
    180514-09:29:00,514 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] Cached "exercise1.slicetimer" - collecting precomputed outputs
    180514-09:29:00,516 workflow INFO:
    	 [Node] "exercise1.slicetimer" found cached.
    Out[ ]:
    <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7d5cb1f518>

    we can now check the output:

    In [ ]:
    ! ls -lh /output/working_dir/exercise1
    total 412K
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users 319K May 14 09:29 d3.js
    drwxr-xr-x 3 neuro users 4.0K May  3 07:31 extract
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users 1006 May 14 09:29 graph1.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  435 May 14 09:29
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  18K May 14 09:29 graph_detailed.png
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  149 May 14 09:29
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  380 May 14 09:29 graph.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  15K May 14 09:29 graph.png
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users 6.6K May 14 09:29 index.html
    drwxr-xr-x 3 neuro users 4.0K May  3 07:32 mcflirt
    drwxr-xr-x 3 neuro users 4.0K May  3 07:32 slicetimer
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  266 May 14 09:29
    -rw-r--r-- 1 neuro users  14K May 14 09:29 workflow_graph.png

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