.. important:: This guide hasn't been updated since January 2017 and is based on an older version of Nipype. The code in this guide is not tested against newer Nipype versions and might not work anymore. For a newer, more up to date and better introduction to Nipype, please check out the the `Nipype Tutorial `_. ============================================= Links to Nipype, Programming and Neuroimaging ============================================= Nipype ====== - `Nipype `_: The official homepage contains all about Nipype that you want to know. - `Michael Waskom `_ has written very nice introductions about `Workflows `_, `Interfaces `_ and `Iteration `_. - A short and very nice introduction to Nipype, written by by Satra Ghosh, can be found `here `_. Programming: Python, Git & more =============================== I highly recommend to use `Sublime Text 3 `_ to write and edit your scripts. It's a really good and cool looking text editor with many helpful things, like the `Anaconda Plugion `_ for example. Learn Python ------------ - `A Byte of Python `_: A very nice introduction to Python in general. - `A Crash Course in Python for Scientists `_: a very good introduction to Python and scientific programming (e.g. Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib) - `Codecademy - Python `_: An interactive online training and introduction to Python. - `Learn Python the Hard Way `_: A very good step by step introduction to Python. - `Python Scientific Lecture Notes `_: A very good and more detailed introduction to Python and scientific programming. - If you're looking for a Python based IDE like Eclipse or MATLAB, check out `Pycharm `_ or `Spyder `_. - `Programming with Python `_: This short introduction by *software carpentry* teaches you the basics of scientific programming on very practical examples. Learn Git --------- - `Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git? `_: Github's own git tutorial. It's fun and very short. - `Git Real `_ on `Code School `_: An interactive tutorial about GIT - `Top 10 Git Tutorials for Beginners `_ Learn Unix Shell ---------------- - `the Unix Shell `_: If you're new to Linux, here's a quick starter guide by software carpentry that teaches you the basics. Learn Programming ----------------- - A very good article that outlines what programming languages are and where they are coming from can be found on `IT Hare's Beginners Guide to Programming Languages `_. A big thank you to Sarah and the class of Mrs. Lowe from Colorado for recommending this site to me! - If you want to learn more about other programming languages such as HTML & CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby, check out `Beginner’s Resources to Learn Programming Languages `_. A big thank you to Mr. Tom Coner and his group for recommending the site to me. It's a great starting point to dive into any programming language. - A great resource to better understand many programming and coding related words can be found on `Software Programming and Coding Glossary for Kids `_. A big thanks to Katie and the Lyndhurst STEM Club for Girls for sharing this resource with me! The glossary gives a great overview of many important concepts and the homepage includes tons of other games and practice websites to play with. Neuroimaging ============ - `Neurostars.org `_: If you have any questions about Neuroinformatics, this is the place to go! - `Design efficiency in FMRI `_: A nice and detailed guide on how to design a good fMRI study.